Question 1 / 7

You're Just Steps Away

from uncovering your role in keeping SG secure. All you have to do is answer 7 simple questions.

Shall we begin?

(Do keep in between 2 - 30 characters)
Please insert more than 2 characters Please reduce the number of characters Please remove bad words

Let's start with something simple. What's your favourite snack?

Please select one option

They say home is where the heart is. Where would you prefer to live?

Please select one option

Let's have a little bit of fun. If you can have a superpower, what will it be?

Please select one option

How would your best friend describe you?

Please select one option

The weekend is approaching - what do you do?

Please select one option

What's your favourite thing about Singapore?

Please select one option

Final question! How do you think you can best contribute to keeping Singapore safe and secure in a crisis?

Please select one option

SGSecure is Singapore's community response to the threat of terrorism